The Luit konwar Rudra Barua state college of Music started its pioneering journey as the only institute of its kind from 2nd October,1981. The vision of setting this Govt. College was to study analyse and develop the 500 year old living tradition of Sattriya Music and Dance in the light of Indian classical Music.A centre for excellence and achievement in dance and music, it is today one of the finest institutions for performing arts. Professional courses like B.Music is its strength. Located at its cutting edge of knowledge LKRB State college of music has not just kept pace with the changing world but has been a pioneering spirit behind innovation in the field of performing arts.
Therefore the vision and mission of our college is to provide Music Education and to prepare students with artistic capabilities on the above mentioned lines and to popularize Indian Classical music amongst the masses through modernized methods of instruction and restoring music to its rightful place as integral part of our culture .